Monday, July 28, 2014

Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle

The Digital Orthophoto quarter Quadrangle or (D.O.Q.Q.) covers a quarter of the Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle which is aerial photography or satellite imagery that has been edited so that its pixels are aligned with longitude and latitude lines for organizational purposes and have a narrowly defined region of coverage. The Digital Orthophoto quarter Quadrangle is a widely used format introduced by the United States Geological Survey. D.O.Q.s produced by the U.S.G.S. cover an area measuring 7.5-minutes longitude by 7.5-minutes latitude. Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle covers one quarter of a quadrangle which shows more detail than the standard D.O.Q. The image above is from 2005 of  the Digital Orthophoto quarter Quadrangle from Cole County, Illinois.

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